I want to introduce everyone to the newest addition to my family, this is the stunning Dixie and even though I have only had her for the last ten days I have fallen completely in love with her. Dixie is a Shetland Sheepdog aka Sheltie puppy and is almost twenty weeks old, nearly five months. I’m so happy and even though things have been a little crazy having basically a new baby in the house, I’m loving the experience.

Decision Making
I have been thinking about getting a second pet since moving into my own house, originally, I was thinking of getting a second cat, so that Izzy could have company. A person from work offered me a kitten and I was all set to go ahead and get her, but the plan fell through and I was quite sad about it. But as I thought about it more in depth, I realised that poor Izzy would not have a break if I got a kitten, because it would be able to go everywhere Izzy could.
I realised that with a dog, it would be different, she would be able to jump into high places to get away from a dog. Now the thought was in my head I could not stop thinking about it, I started researching what would be the best dog for me, one that would work best with my current situation including work hours. Now the thought was in my head I could not shake it, I thought about how much a dog could help me, both physically and mentally. A dog would help me to get out and walk and maybe even be a little more social.
Choosing a Breed

Talking to my Mum on the phone one day and I tell her “I’ve been thinking about getting a puppy”… My Mum pauses in response and then explains that she and my step dad had actually just brought a puppy and would be getting it in the next week or so. Mum knew I had been upset about the kitten so hadn’t told me about it yet.
We started talking about their puppy, the breed and the process they went through to get him, their puppy was a little boy tri-colour Sheltie they had named Remy. The Sheltie was already a breed I had looked into and had put on my list of breeds that would work; my only concern was that they can be very loud and bark a bit. I decided to email the breeder that Mum had used and ask them if they had any new litters planned.
The breeder got back to me fairly quickly, she explained that there were no new litters planned but that she still had three puppies left for sale and sent photos. I saw the photo of a little pup called ‘Smarty’ and I fell in love immediately... I tossed over the idea for a while but knew if I didn’t do it I would regret it so I contacted her back and ‘Smarty’ was mine.
Bonus baby Dixie photos

My Family
Another reason for the new addition of a puppy to my family was the need I had been feeling to have a family, which I was so intent on getting a kitten or puppy. Over the last few years, I have had to come to the realisation that I cannot have kids, and it’s not easy. Especially when a lot of your friends around you are having kids or at least trying to. I knew that a part of me wanted to be a mother so bad, and I realised that the only way I could get the experience of being a mother is to have a baby animal. I know that that might sound a bit silly but it made sense to me.
And I really wanted a sibling for Izzy, I know that it has been years since we lost Zac, but ever since then I have always wanted another pet. A companion for not only Izzy, but also for me too. I know that I made the right decision, because ever since Dixie came into my life, I have started to feel content with my life and my little family. These girls are my children, I don’t care that they are not human, they are my babies and they mean everything to me.

Izzy vs Puppy
The weekend before I was due to pick up Dixie, I went up to visit Mum and Garry with Izzy, I wanted to gauge her reaction to a puppy. I needed to know how she would react so I knew what to expect when Dixie arrived, I knew that it was going to be a huge change for Izzy. The first interactions went fine, until the combination of something I did and the puppy freaked Izzy out. She ended up digging her teeth into my thumb so deep that it wouldn’t stop bleeding and first aid was required.
At least we all knew what to expect now and I knew that I was going to have to be a little cautious when Dixie and Izzy met, thankfully the introduction hasn’t gone too bad and so far, they are tolerating each other well. And things will continue to improve as time goes by, especially when Izzy realises that it’s not temporary.
Back to the thumb injury, I actually did have to rush to a doctor after driving home, I was able to get it checked, dressed and a round of antibiotics. I also had to get an ultrasound of the thumb to check for tendon damage, which thankfully there was none.
I am so happy with my little family and my new little baby girl, I can’t wait to watch her grow and see all the amazing things she will do, for herself and for me. Here are a collection of photos I have taken of her, lets just say that these are only a few of the photos I have taken. She’s too cute not to be constantly taking gorgeous photos of her.
Here are some adorable photos of Dixie with her half-brother Remy, Remy is Mum’s puppy. Remy is a week younger than Dixie, but they share the same father. Watching these two play was incredible and made me so happy.
Life is Good
Some things in life just make everything better and having both Izzy and now Dixie in my life are some of those things. They give me a reason to keep going and they remind me to appreciate the little things in life. I know most of my posts here over the last few years have been on the more negative side but for once in a really long time I’m happy with where things are at.