First Convention
In October 2005, I attended my very first convention, Puddle Jumper One. The guests in attendance were Rainbow Sun Francks, Torri Higginson, Alexis Cruz and Julie Caitlin Brown. Friends and I decided to go together and since it was our first time we decided to buy ourselves VIP tickets. These tickets included a dinner with the guests the night before the event.
What a great experience this evening was and a great start to our first convention. The guests were all lively, the spoke about their time in New Zealand the previous weekend. They spoke about acting and other general conversations.
Alexis Cruz was very huggable and loved hugging everyone. Torri was amazing and friendly and she wanted to come play laser tag with us after the event, unfortunately they went to Phillip Island instead. After dinner Rainbow hung around the bar with us and kept chatting. He told us about the meaning behind his name. He also gave a friend and I an American One Dollar note after we commented on how strange American money was compared to ours. Once Rainbow called it a night, a group of us headed into the city for some karaoke.

Costumes & Friends
Dressed in a pretty basic Stargate costume I was ready for my first ever actual convention. It was amazing meeting other fans and likeminded people. I met so many new friends, one's that I could tell would be friends for years to come. There were only a few people dressed in costumes, my friends and I, as well as two others. One was dressed in a Stargate Atlantis costume and the other in an amazing Steve the Wraith costume. These people have become some of my best friends since this event.
The Evil Vegemite Girls
Throughout our day we got photos with the guests, I got photos with both Rainbow and Torri. Then each guest had a panel where they spoke about their roles, acting and answered attendees questions. We also started a new tradition. After talking about Vegemite at dinner, we decided to buy Vegemite for the guests to try. We gave the boys a tube of Vegemite each and Torri a huge jar of it. Alexis liked it, Torri loved her jar and Rainbow was 100% not impressed. In fact he left the stage calling us Evil, this was the birth of The Evil Vegemite Girls and a tradition was created.
Convention Autographs
After the panels and the Vegemite and all the fun of the day, it was time for autographs. I decided to get both of my photos with the guests signed, and also the shirt of my Stargate costume, which also became a tradition. Rainbow's autographs are so detailed and amazing, they are each a work of art.
Torri loved our costumes and so when we were getting our autographs from her, she asked us if we would hang around until after they’d finished so she could take some photos of us. Because Rainbow's autographs are so detailed they take him quite a while to complete so we were sitting around for quite a while. But it was okay, because we were all chatting and having a good time and being there until the end it meant that we were lucky enough to get to say goodbye to the guests and even get some hugs goodbye.
Rainbow Sun Francks, Torri Higginson, Alexis Cruz and Julie Caitlin Brown.