Happy Christmas Holidays
Little bit late but Merry Christmas, it’s still only single digit days in January so not too late. I hope everyone had a great Christmas or holiday period. Spending time with friends and family, bringing in the new year. Let’s hope that 2022 is better than the last year. It’s been an full-on few months for me and I have taken time away from the computer. And Twitch, only streaming here and there and not adhering to any schedule at this time.

I hope everyone enjoyed some special time spent with family or friends, or even alone. I enjoyed getting to spend time with my family after another year spent in and out of lockdown. All the other things that happened last year, not as many things as the previous year. In some ways anniversaries are harder to cope with alone than the events themselves at least that’s how I found it. Now it is 2022 and hopefully there will be good things to come.
A little update on me, just before Christmas I was made redundant from my job. Which in some ways was a relief because leading up to it, was over six months of stress. A confirmation was a relief from the uncertainty. Not only was I made redundant but almost all the other members of my team. Only one managed to get another job within the university. Probably a good thing since no one else really knows the collection like we do.
It has been so weird not having anything to do with my life at the moment. Work in some ways definitely kept me sane, I’m keeping it together. As soon as I was advised of the confirmation of redundancy I started applying for jobs. I have had a couple of interviews one has been very promising and I have had to go and get a medical done. It will involve driving a truck which I am very excited to challenge myself with trying something new. So here’s hoping for a good new start in 2022, I can’t wait to see what lies ahead this year.

I hope had a very happy new year and was able to celebrate the new year with friends and/or family. Another year is behind us and we have to look forward to what the future holds.