Goodbye 2020
I honestly don’t even know how to put into words what this year had been like for me. I know so many people have had their own struggles too though. This year will definitely be one that I will never forget and I’m sure a lot of people can say the same thing. I’m happy to be putting 2020 behind me, I know that doesn’t mean we leave all the issues behind. I just hope that things get back to a semblance of normal in the new year and we have something to look forward to.
A Year of Struggles
The struggled of this year have been such an emotional roller coaster. From the isolation of the Melbourne restrictions and working from home. To the people I have loved who have left us. I still cry when I talk about them like my boy Zac. I miss him dearly especially when I want one of those fluffy hugs he was so good at. But I have had my girl Izzy by my side and she had been my rock, more than I ever thought possible.
I miss my Nan who left us not so long ago, I miss her so very much that I still cry often. Even though I know in my heart she’d be telling me to stop crying and be strong. All I can respond with is “I’m trying Nan” every time. Crying is not a weakness though, it’s a realisation that you need to let the emotion go. If I didn’t cry this year, I’d be a horrible pent up mess of so many emotions. I know it is better out than in.
I never thought I would be dealing with these medical issues for another year either. Here we are and now I know it could go on for much longer or even end up being something I deal with for life. This year and it’s crazy hasn’t made it such a focus point even. Though the pain is always there and constant it’s been easier to ignore with everything else happening.
The Good Stuff
Amongst the bad, there have been so many good things this year though. I found the world of Twitch and with that I found one of the most supportive and loving communities. It’s great to be a part of such a community have been a part of. This year was the first time since 2005 that I didn’t attend a convention. Or an event of any kind, the twitch community have definitely helped to fill that void. It gave me that family I was missing. I have made great new and amazing friends and achieved goals I never would have thought possible. Such as starting to stream and becoming Affiliate on twitch. Making a little bit of money doing something that I thoroughly enjoy never crossed my mind before.
Here’s to a Better Year in 2021
I hope that 2021 will be a better year, but then again for me the last two years have been especially hard. Even if I don’t think anything will top this year for the emotional struggles. Our lives with Covid and this pandemic is not over yet. We just have to be prepared for whatever comes next. And have to remember to be safe and not take things and people for granted.
Thank you.
To everyone reading this, you are special people to me! I hope that you are able to spend time with the people you love as we say goodbye to a trying year. Enjoy yourselves whether it be in person or virtually, spent precious time with the people you love. Let’s do what we can to enjoy life as much as we possibly can right now.
Much love to you all.
2020 – One second a day video