Merry Christmas to every single one of you amazing people. Thank you for your friendship and continued support over the last year. It means everything to me and helps me to keep going every single day.

This year has been a challenge for everyone and as we approach it’s end. We are hopeful that the year ahead will be better to us. Christmas time is suppose to be a joyous time, when people visit and spend time with their loved ones. For some people this is the first time they’ve been able to see people this year. For others they might be missing their families because they don’t want to take any chances. Or they are unable to due to restrictions. Whatever the case I hope you can enjoy yourselves in any way possible. I have mentioned it many times but this year has been a hard one with so many challenges. Some that we are all going through together. However, we are all having our own unique experiences as we go through it.
Christmas Celebration
My family tends to never actually celebrate Christmas on the day, one side celebrates it before and the other afterwards. This year it all happened beforehand. I don’t really have an issue with that, I just find the actual day a little depressing. Mainly because other family members have partners and other families to go and see. And I’m just on my own with my kitty for company. It’s not terrible, sometimes it’s nice to be on your own it just feels a little sad at this time of year.
Family Christmas was especially hard this year. I’m sure I’m not the only one to feel that, it has been a long yet short year. With both many things happening but also not a lot happening at the same time. It’s honestly just been such a bizarre year but one thing it has been is EMOTIONAL. It’s like you get to a point where you think you are okay. Then something happens and that one thing, causes that dam to break and all your emotions to come running out.
Both Christmas celebrations this year I cried. With my Dad and family I tried so hard to be strong, and hold it together. I cried as I was getting ready to go, I hoped that would have gotten it out of my system. But then I arrived and it all came crashing back again. I know I don’t have to be strong and hold it in. It just hurts knowing that my crying is effecting and making others emotional around me. I also know that sometimes you just need to let it out and I am a lot better with that concept than I used to be. Even if the celebration started with tears I still managed to have a great day with my family and that is what matters.
Enjoy your Celebrations
I hope everyone had a great Christmas day or Christmas celebrations. Whether it was alone or spent with family or friends. As long as you were able to enjoy yourself that is all that really matters. I started my actual Christmas day in a stream. I do scheduled Thursday night streams so it happened to bleed into Christmas day. It was great though, I was doing something I loved with a community full of love and support.
Christmas Streaming
I got to entertain and make people smile and laugh whilst I had fun playing games. I dressed in Christmas clothes and was wearing different Christmas hats. Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the different and I’m so glad to have so many amazing friends. I also did a Christmas evening stream which was amazing. I had a lot of fun playing games with friends. Started with some Phasmophobia, then some Fall Guys. And a quick trip into Ark to see what Christmas presents my mate had left me there.
You can join my Discord and see some clips and highlights from my streams here:Â
Twelve Days of Christmas
We did the Twelve Days of Christmas as a theme at work. Thankfully with weekends and a day off I had enough Christmas shirts for almost every day. Here’s my collection of ten different Christmas outfits.
Quick Announcement
I have made the decision to stop making my Vlog. I want to focus on Streaming as I have created my own little community there and I prefer the more interactive approach. I’m not sure if I will come back to Vlogging in the future, but I have a feeling I won’t. Afterall, I never really had many views on my Vlog anyway. It was just a way for me to get better at expressing myself in person through speaking instead on talking. I can do this even better through streaming.
I appreciate all those who have continued to support me throughout my journey.